Kardashev Scale

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Kardashev Scale

2023-11-17 04:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The Kardashev Scale says how much energy is needed to control something. We are type 0.7 on the Kardashev Scale. The measure was proposed by Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. The original Kardashev scale divides civilizations into Types 1-3, although extensions used on this wiki are also commonplace.

With using this formula: K = log 10 ⁡ P − 6 10 {\textstyle K={\frac {\log _{10}P-6}{10}}} , we can calculate our Kardashev Scale. The P {\textstyle P} means power, or how many power it uses.

Contents 1 Type -1.0 Basic Civilizations 2 Type 0.0 Minimal Civilizations 3 Type 1.0 Planetary Civilizations 4 Type 2.0 Stellar Civilizations 5 Type 3.0 Galactic Civilizations 6 Type 4.0 Universal Civilizations 7 Type 5.0 Multiversal Civilizations 8 Type 6.0 Metaversal Civilizations 9 Type 7.0 Xenoversal Civilizations 10 Type 8.0 Hyperversal Civilizations 11 Type 9.0 Kiloversal Civilizations 12 Type 10.0 Megaversal Civilizations 13 Type 11.0 Gigaversal Civilizations 14 Type 12.0 Teraversal Civilizations 15 Type 13.0 Petaversal Civilizations 16 Type 14.0 Exaversal Civilizations 17 Type 15.0 Zettaversal Civilizations 18 Type 16.0 Yottaversal Civilizations 19 Type 17.0 Ronnaversal Civilizations 20 Type 18.0 Quettaversal Civilizations 21 Type 19.0 Hendaversal Civilizations 22 Type 20.0 Dokaversal Civilizations 23 See also Type -1.0 Basic Civilizations[] -1.9 The organisms are living on zero scale -1.8 The organisms are living on sub-nanometer scale -1.7 The organisms are living on scale of nanobe -1.6 DNA viruses -1.5 Viruses that target viruses target other viruses -1.4 Viruses that target other viruses -1.3 Small viruses -1.2 Large viruses -1.1 Small bacteria -1.0 Large bacteria Type 0.0 Minimal Civilizations[] 0.0 106 watts Tool use was discovered. 0.1 107 watts Hominids appear in Africa that evolve into humans who move to other parts of the world. 0.2 108 watts Roaming hunter-gatherers explore vast areas, then build boats to explore the world. Ability to make fire and the wheel is invented. Egalitarian economy and barter systems emerge as tribes meet. 0.3 109 watts Politic hierarchies emerge with economic inequalities and a division of labor. Building the first structures. We still think the sun revolves around the earth. 0.4 1010 watts Mercantile economies lead to market economies and democracy. The oceans are discovered via wooden ships. Early science, first telescopes, understanding of magnetism, printing press, storage and mass production of grain. Empires extend their control over peoples who are not culturally, ethnically or geographically within their normal jurisdiction, with a goal of economic dominance over rival empires. Industrial revolution emerges with steam engines. 0.5 1011 watts Liberal democracies that give the vote to all citizens. Explosion of science leads to combustion engines, flight and mass produced land vehicles. Computer revolution and related technologies emerge. Capitalism and free markets emerge. 0.6 1012 watts First humans on the moon. Computers are networked and mass produced due to transistor miniaturization and integrated circuit boards. Nuclear power is embraced for good and bad. 0.7 1013 watts Our current civilization. Global network / internet. First particle accelerators. Digital and data revolution. Nano technology. Early space race towards nearby planets and moons. Globally linked renewable energy sources to replace nuclear fission and coal plants. Rovers land on moon and Mars smart glasses become common. 0.8 1014 watts Ability to choose what your children look like due to improved genetic engineering. First moon and Mars bases. Quantum computers. Utilization of Dark Matter and Energy. Fusion power becomes primary source of energy. Sending miniature objects to nearby stars 0.9 1015 watts The ability to fully control energy and weather systems on Earth which is a possible ecumenopolis. Bases around the solar system and harnessing of materials from asteroids. Sending the first ships to nearby stars. Type 1.0 Planetary Civilizations[] 1.0 1016 watts Ability to completely control the Earth and Moon and possibly prevent aging. 1.1 1017 watts Space travel becomes possible for most people. All species have been discovered. Ability to move asteroids away from earth or mine them. First space wars. 1.2 1018 watts Colonization of the moon, ability to manipulate genes so that many common diseases are no longer a problem. 1.3 1019 watts Space lifts, colonization of other planets, first invisibility, and the ability to upload brains to computers. 1.4 1020 watts Interplanetary travel and first step to terraforming. 1.5 1021 watts Possible discovery of aliens (if within home galaxy), discovered how consciousness works (possibly earlier) and what dark energy is. 1.6 1022 watts Mining many asteroids, first humans in another solar system. 1.7 1023 watts Beginning the construction of a dyson sphere, first warp drive and faster than light travel 1.8 1024 watts Construction of an A.I. indistinguishable from that of a human being 1.9 1025 watts First colony in another solar system, Dyson Sphere is nearly complete, ability to actively create species. Type 2.0 Stellar Civilizations[] 2.0 1026 watts Dyson sphere is complete, along with star system colonization. 2.1 1027 watts Multiple systems colonized. 2.2 1028 watts Fikayo Aydole realised he’s the only human in the whole world. 2.3 1029 watts Holograms Become Real. This may happen much, much earlier with the use of nanotechnology, but the creation of metamaterials that serve the same purpose are here now. 2.4 1030 watts First object sent to intergalactic space. 2.5 1031 watts First easily noticeable time travel using relativistic time dilation. 2.6 1032 watts Perfection of a virtual reality that looks and feels real. 1,000,000 stars colonized. 2.7 1033 watts 10,000,000 stars colonized, along with cloning at the quantum level 2.8 1034 watts Ability to direct wormholes. 2.9 1035 watts A full spiral arm of the galaxy is colonized. Type 3.0 Galactic Civilizations[] 3.0 1036 watts The entire galaxy is colonized, the first humans in other galaxies. Ability to control things with your mind; this could be achieved very far in the past by the use of augmented technology, but now it is indistinguishable from telekinesis. 3.1 1037 watts Colonization of ten galaxies; at this point, humanity occupies the Local Group, with arrays Dyson spheres absorbing much of the light from the Milky Way, Andromeda, and Triangulum. Intergroup travel is employed to send probes to more distant galaxy groups in the Virgo Cluster. 3.2 1038 watts Intergalactic civilization develops a host of technologies. Zeptotechnology allows for the modification of individual particles, including custom-making massive particles with a range of useful properties not seen in nature. 3.3 1039 watts At this point, humanity occupies the entire Local Cluster. Mastery of quantum mechanics is obtained, allowing for macroscopic structures of a wide range of sizes to be placed into superposition. 3.4 1040 watts Zeptotechnology has advanced to the point where the electroweak force is routinely utilized in the building of structures. 3.5 1041 watts Colonization of 100,000 galaxies; at this point, humanity occupies the entire Laniakea supercluster. 3.6 1042 watts Colonisation of 10 million galaxies. 3.7 1043 watts Colonisation of 1 billion galaxies. 3.8 1044 watts Colonisation of 100 billion galaxies. 3.9 1045 watts Colonisation of 10 trillion galaxies. Type 4.0 Universal Civilizations[] 4.0 1046 watts Humanity occupies the entire universe and is using all of the resources inside it. Interuniversal travel is difficult, so civilizations can plateau here for quite some time. 4.1 1047 watts Humanity discovers how to travel to nearby alternate universes (if they exist) and begins settling them or uniting with the alternate versions of humanity there, using horizon breaking technology to escape the narrow confines of their home universe. 4.2 1048 watts Humanity creates small settlements in another universe. 4.3 1049 watts Humanity creates bases in another universe 4.4 1050 watts Full occupation of another Universe 4.5 1051 watts Control of a universal cluster, such as a super galaxy. 4.6 1052 watts Humanity finds out that the multiverse exists. 4.7 1053 watts Humanity now explores between inter-universal clusters and finds more universes. 4.8 1054 watts Control of a universal supercluster, such as a super galaxy cluster. 4.9 1055 watts Humanity almost occupies the entire multiverse, so they manage to get more universal superclusters. Type 5.0 Multiversal Civilizations[] 5.0 1056 watts Humanity occupies an entire multiverse. 5.1 1057 watts Humanity tries to travel to a new multiverse, it failed and they travelled to another multiverse. 5.2 1058 watts Using the immense power they have, travelling to other multiverses is almost easy. 5.3 1059 watts Some people manage to gather multiverses and made artificial multiverses. 5.4 1060 watts A theory was made that they live in a virtual simulation called the metaverse. 5.5 1061 watts By correlating information over vast numbers of multiverses, humanity discovers that they exist in a simulated metaverse; expanding further is tantamount to altering the coding of this metaverse, starting with tuning small amounts of the API left open by its elusive creators. 5.6 1062 watts Many people try to get to the edge of the metaverse, though they often give up because it is too far to reach. 5.7 1063 watts Now people can reach the end of the metaverse, they occupy many multiverses there, but they still didn't occupy all of the metaverse. 5.8 1064 watts Even though they have many multiverses, they still do not occupy all of it. 5.9 1065 watts Humanity almost gains the total control over the code of the metaverse. Type 6.0 Metaversal Civilizations[] 6.0 1066 watts Humanity gains total control over the code of the metaverse and begins looking for ways to break out. 6.1 1067 watts Many theories about getting out of the metaverses existed, now some of them are disproven because of the code. 6.2 1068 watts Gaining the total control of the entire metaverse's code makes humanity better. Many people tried to find a way out, but still didn't find it. 6.3 1069 watts Humanity is still done, but they almost figured out the way out. 6.4 1070 watts Humanity almost occupied the entire metaverse, all that was left was unknown and waiting to be discovered. 6.5 1071 watts Humanity successfully occupied the entire metaverse. 6.6 1072 watts Humanity is close to find the way out. 6.7 1073 watts Every theory was disproven, only one being left. 6.8 1074 watts Humanity founds out that the last theory was also wrong. 6.9 1075 watts Humanity finds a way out of the metaverse. Type 7.0 Xenoversal Civilizations[] 7.0 1076watts Humanity found more metaverses and occupy them. 7.1 1077watts Many scientists are experimenting on metaverses and learning the xenoverse. 7.2 1078watts Humanity tried to find out more types of xenoverses, only one found, which is the yenoverse. 7.3 1079watts More of xenoverse types are found, including zenoverses, hypoverses, and arenoverses. 7.4 1080watts Humanity almost occupied the entire metaverse, all that was left was unknown and waiting to be discovered. 7.5 1081watts Humanity successfully occupied the entire xenoverse. 7.6 1082watts Humanity explores the backups of the xenoverse, which are the yenoverse and the zenoverse. 7.7 1083watts Humanity finds delete files and codes in the xenoverse. 7.8 1084watts Humanity gains total control over the code of the xenoverse and begins looking for ways to break out. 7.9 1085watts Many, many years later, they figured out the way to get out. Type 8.0 Hyperversal Civilizations[] 8.0 1086 watts When humanity figured out the way out, the xenoverses are not that much separated, so it's easy to them to travel to the xenoverses. 8.1 1087 watts When humanity is able to suck xenoverse energy to power warp travel. 8.2 1088 watts Humans become aware of the newly found hyperverses. 8.3 1089 watts Humanity enters a transfinite hyperverse but gets stuck. However, they can harvest the energy and start colonizing in the hyperverse, while sucking the infinite energy of them. 8.4 1090 watts Humanity discovers they can use a lot of the xenoversal energy to lengthen their lives, and to discover more hyperverses while in them. 8.5 1091 watts Humanity discovers new types of hyperverses and their code. 8.6 1092 watts Humanity starts simulating all the types of hyperverses, and obtains hyperversal energy. 8.7 1093 watts Humanity is able to go in and out of transfinite hyperverses, and collect their energy. 8.8 1094 watts Humanity takes full control over all and every type of hyperverse. 8.9 1095 watts Humanity becomes a very powerful civilization and can travel to anywhere in the transfinite hyperverses. Type 9.0 Kiloversal Civilizations[] 9.0 1096 watts Humanity discovers kiloverses and start to colonize in them. 9.1 1097 watts Humanity establishes bases and with their experience, colonizes them easily. 9.2 1098 watts Humans learn to use the hyperversal power to extend life to 1,000 years. 9.3 1099 watts Humanity takes over smaller civilizations. 9.4 10100 watts Humanity becomes a dominant civilization and becomes feared by other civilizations. 9.5 10101 watts Humans become more dominant and discover all the types of kiloverses, and do simulations. 9.6 10102 watts Humanity travels from kiloverse to kiloverse harvesting energy to make portals. 9.7 10103 watts Humans become obsessed with the power and start using too much. 9.8 10104 watts Humanity uses too much power and overwhelms the kiloverses, collecting even more energy. 9.9 10105 watts Humanity starts leaving the kiloverses. Type 10.0 Megaversal Civilizations[] 10.0 10106 watts Humanity starts to discover the megaverse, and have full control of the layers down under. 10.1 10107 watts Humans start harvesting megaverse energy, but it was unsuccessful due to the immense space the megaverse covers. 10.2 10108 watts Humanity looks for other ways to escape the megaverse, but use their unlimited kiloverse energy to create energy harvesters. 10.3 10109 watts Humans become so intelligent their life gets shortened to 790 years. 10.4 10110 watts Humanity harvests enough energy to make lives as long as 15,000 years. 10.5 10111 watts Humanity harvested enough energy to make a gate portal into megaverse simulation. 10.6 10112 watts Simulations prove unsuccessful due to lack of energy. 10.7 10113 watts Humanity starts realizing the danger from megaverses. 10.8 10114 watts Humanity starts to evacuate megaverses, but take an unlimited amount of energy first. 10.9 10115 watts Humans warp jump to other megaverses to make them collide, and collect the megaverse energy. Type 11.0 Gigaversal Civilizations[] 11.0 10116 watts Humans discover gigaverses and start to claim their energy, which was more easy then collecting megaverses. 11.1 10117 watts Humanity makes the sacrifice to start doing simulations, but it turns out easy and give more information. 11.2 10118 watts Humanity becomes almost robotic as they continue the simulations. 11.3 10119 watts Humanity discover how to control virtual things, making video game things possible. 11.4 10120 watts A humans average life span is now 100,000 years. 11.5 10121 watts Humanity establish full control over megaverses, and use a lot of gigaverse energy to do so. 11.6 10122 watts Humanity becomes fully aware of the power they hold. 11.7 10123 watts Humanity starts to be able to create their own universes, and multiverses, and be able to control them. 11.8 10124 watts Humanity starts to become more civil and starts respecting more civilizations. 11.9 10125 watts Humans start to become gods over their artificial universes and multiverses. Type 12.0 Teraversal Civilizations[] 12.0 10126 watts Humanity become very powerful in the universes and multiverses they look for larger energy sources. 12.1 10127 watts Humans start searching for larger energy sources, and find some traces of incredible objects. 12.2 10128 watts Humans discover teraverses but extract energy from the outside. 12.3 10129 watts Humans obtain the nessecary energy to create more verses, like the metaverse. 12.4 10130 watts Humans become more intelligent and make more energy extractions and start to dive into the teraverses. 12.5 10131 watts Humans now have an average life span of about 1099 years. 12.6 10132 watts Humans create new verses known as xenoverses. 12.7 10133 watts Humanity starts to recognize the danger of finding large verses for energy extraction. 12.8 10134 watts Humanity starts building energy perservers to stabilize the teraverses. 12.9 10135 watts Humanity starts to look for larger verses, and find nothing, and are annoyed. Type 13.0 Petaversal Civilizations[] 13.0 10136 watts Humanity is still looking for larger verses even after the depression. 13.1 10137 watts Humanity finds the petaverses and start forming colonies. 13.2 10138 watts Humanity starts energy extraction, which is hard. 13.3 10139 watts Humanity starts sending lower civilizations inside of the petaverses. 13.4 10140 watts The other civilizations come back - more powerful. 13.5 10141 watts Humanity starts going inside the petaverses, becoming powerful from the intense energy. 13.6 10142 watts Humanity starts colonizing inside the petaverses. 13.7 10143 watts Humans get trapped inside because of the concentrated energy. 13.8 10144 watts Humanity starts looking for ways out. 13.9 10145 watts Humans get out of the petaverses. Type 14.0 Exaversal Civilizations[] 14.0 10146 watts Humanity find the Exaverses. 14.1 10147 watts Humanity starts colonizing the exaverses, proving easy. 14.2 10148 watts Humanity becomes immortal. 14.3 10149 watts Humans like their power, and start making kiloverses. 14.4 10150 watts Humans suck out the exaversal energy, proving even easier 14.5 10151 watts Humans wonder why it is easy. 14.6 10152 watts Humanity start to debate whether they should continue or look for larger verses. 14.7 10153 watts Humanity starts to become more intelligent, and start to colonize all of the exaverses. 14.8 10154 watts Humanity tries to get out, but can't succeed 14.9 10155 watts Theories about how to get out start happening. Type 15.0 Zettaversal Civilizations[] Type 16.0 Yottaversal Civilizations[] Type 17.0 Ronnaversal Civilizations[] Type 18.0 Quettaversal Civilizations[] Type 19.0 Hendaversal Civilizations[] Type 20.0 Dokaversal Civilizations[] See also[] Kardashev Scale -1.0 · -0.5 · 0.0 · 0.5 · 1.0 · 1.5 · 2.0 · 2.5 · 3.0 · 3.5 · 4.0 · 5.0 · 6.0 · 7.0 · 8.0 ·

· 9.0 · 10.0 · 11.0 · 12.0 · 13.0 · 14.0 · 15.0 · 16.0 · 17.0 · 18.0 · 19.0 · 20.0 · 21.0 · 22.0 · 23.0 · 24.0 · 25.0 · 26.0 · 27.0 · 28.0 · 29.0 · 30.0 · 31.0 · 32.0 · 33.0 · 34.0 · 35.0 · 36.0 · 37.0 · 38.0 · 39.0 · 40.0 · 41.0 · 42.0 · 43.0 · 44.0 · 45.0 · 46.0 · 47.0 · 48.0 · 49.0 · 50.0 · 51.0 · 52.0 · 53.0 · 54.0 · 55.0 · 56.0 · 57.0 · 58.0 · 59.0 · 60.0 · 61.0 · 62.0 · ω · ε0 · ζ0 · Γ0 · ω1 · Ω ·




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